Make a Donation
Oneheart Ministry


Make a Donation

More about Rev. Eileen Lock

28th Community Healing Fair - Canned Food Drive

 27th Community Healing Fair - Canned Food Drive

29th Annual Community Healing Fair





What's New at The One Heart Ministry

Reverend Eileen Lock, Spiritual Intuitive

The Oneheart Ministry and Rev. Eileen Lock appreciate your support.

Your donations inspire the development of insightful programs that encourage others to trust their intuition and heal.

Please check out the list of programs here on this site. 

All of your donations to the Oneheart Ministry are considered for spiritual counseling and are tax deductible



My hourly rate is a donation of $125.

The Family and Friend program offers 10 sessions for your $750 donation.

I am also offering a $1500 program which would give you 22 sessions, adding 2 extra sessions.

These sessions can be used to learn many things and can be shared with others.

If you are interested in joining this program and would like more infortmation

please feel free to contact me at


To make a donation simply use the Paypal button below or you can send a check to 

Oneheart Ministry

1471 NW Newport Ave.

Bend, Or 97703 


Your donations are appreciated!


 I have been involved in metaphysical studies since I was a teenager. My diverse background includes Astrology, Clairvoyance, Spirit Communication, Tarot, Numerology, Reiki and Crystal / Gemstone Healing. My spiritual counseling may involve any of these tools as my sessions are sponteneous. My intention is always to lift your spirit and inspire you to remember that you are love and in doing this healing can occur.

Private sessions are available by appointment



The purpose of establishing this ministry is to provide multiple opportunities for as many people as possible to be able to hear inspirational words and participate in activities that are healing for the soul. I look forward to manifesting opportunities for our community to come together and heal. With the support of the ministry many people will be able to participate in these activities with ease. The Oneheart Ministry, with my self as the Minister will continue to create programs which promote love, joy and laughter. I believe that as we take the time to lift our spirits, we lift the spirits of those around us. 


The History of the Oneheart Ministry

I have been an ordained minister with the

Universal Life Church since 1978.

The Oneheart Ministry was offical registered with the State of Oregon on January 11, 2006.

Your donations are appreciated and are tax free.

All donations of $250 or more will receive a letter to be filed with the IRS.

Feel free to use the Paypal link below to make a donation




Relax, and Open your heart